Saturday, January 30, 2010

What Is A Ink Cartridge Head For Canon 1800 My Canon PIXMA MP470 Wont Work, Keeps Saying Print Head Is Not Installed, Install The Print Head What Do I Do?

My Canon PIXMA MP470 wont work, keeps saying Print Head Is Not Installed, Install The Print Head What do I do? - what is a ink cartridge head for canon 1800

I have a Canon Pixma MP470. I've been using for a year without problems. Now, suddenly, it will not work and the screen always says "print head not installed, install the print head." I have no idea what to do. Can anyone help? I get a permanent basis and out of the cartridge, and it does not work.


ianhad said...

The print heads are authentic or copies? Copies do not always work.

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